The motion 4debate is:

‘B/c of all the population replacement Genocide the Jews have waged against the Irish People thro’ their #HoloHoax, the #IsraeliEmbassy, the #JewishMuseum and the 3 synagogues in Dublin should all be turned in to Dormitories to accommodate African and Asian #fakeugees’

orlared: Bono's NGO 'ONE' aims to facilitate the imm...
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一般地獄人半島™: 晚上就被幼女警察拿槍ㄅㄧㄤˋㄅㄧㄤˋ了
不得鞍寧📿: 聽起來好像還是色色ㄉ
一般地獄人半島™: 幼女警察會不會穿超短的警察制服
不得鞍寧📿: 幼女警察會穿彎腰就會露屁股ㄉ緊身短窄裙跟黑色蕾絲吊帶襪(被警棍打死)
嗚嗚嗚偶也畫本畫好久好久沒畫圖了 (語病
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