翅膀◎酒窩的旁觀者 2 years ago #跟風If you had to introduce yourself using four books, which ones would they be?#用四本書自我介紹1.如果在冬夜,一個旅人2.可笑的愛3.二十首情詩與絕望的歌(李宗榮版本)4.一個孤獨漫步者的遐想Kate Pino 🍂 on Twitter 2 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses (* ´ ▽ ` )ノ 我怎麼覺得這唯一生還者就是兇手 (* ´ ▽ ` )ノ 就算失憶還是會被幹掉吧 畢竟有可能想起來所以他跟兇手有關的可能性蠻大的XD Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks