ಠ_ಠ偷偷說2 years ago爸爸在夜市擺攤,攤販常常在收攤前互相捧場,基本上就是把剩下的產品半買半送(100塊三大包鹹酥雞之類的)或者交換畢竟自己賣的已經吃到很膩我最常收到的宵夜是燒烤(大量的甜不辣)、滷味(雞胗很多)跟炸雞翅,有時候太多或晚餐吃飽了就會冰冰箱隔天吃。雖然已經習慣了這種模式,但今天的一大鍋羊肉爐還是讓我困惑了一下 16 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses King of Games he's a nerd 3D🌺triangle. Oh my god cute ƒιιɴᴅιsʜ awooooo King of Games He's making her howl for Patch King of Games awoooooo King of Games Pratt is an abused puppy who needs his pack WATERING CAN'T Oh my god i love it 3D🌺triangle. oh my god no i love it WATERING CAN'T Not the abused puppy Pratt part but the howling like a weirdo part King of Games all perfectly normal. ψ Jк Aѕunvαh ☀ everyone in this game is perfectly normal WATERING CAN'T Just so painfully normal King of Games couldnt be more normal! ʀᴏsᴇ AWOOS. i love it. King of Games he's cute sometimes. Ashen Key singing the songs of their people Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks