ಠ_ಠ偷偷說3 years ago#擴散希望 #台V大家好!我是繪圖系Vtuber樂色~色色為想學畫畫的大家準備了暑期畫畫課表~只是想為自己的推畫美圖不用去外面繳貴鬆鬆的學費👌色色在直播中手把手教你們~有任何問題可以直接在此噗下方留言詢問~到課率高的同學還有機會抽中獎品喔>口<! 15 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Krestinsays I desire sleep. @__@ Krestinsays And if Kean sees this, thanks for boosting a while ago. :> Ricamazingsays LIVE KARMA Ricamazingsays Also, THANK ME it's my char. :> Krestinsays Thank you, Rica, for your wonderful priestess char. :> Krestinsays ...DIE, KARMA. Ricamazingsays She is, after all, the father of all chars. (Ama) Ricamazingsays LIVE, KARMA Krestinsays Boosts ALL new characters! Krestinsays SO WONDERFUL. Ricamazingsays YES Ricamazingsays BUT WHAT IS NOT WONDERFUL IS MY INABILITY TO LOG IN. Krestinsays YOU SHOULD'VE STAYED IN AMA. LOL. Krestinsays XD Krestin WAITS. Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks