They put a sponge clamshell on my leg on Friday at the wound clinic. So, last night, it had slid down my leg enough that it pressed down on the metatarsal bones if my foot flexed, or the achilles tendon if it was not flexed. I did not sleep until morning when my friend came over and rebandaged it. I then woke at 2 pm. I am already falling asleep.
RDJ宅~熊呆師朽: 怎麼個「竟然」?XD
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是喔 囧 (拍拍
被排擠的感覺真的很差 OTL
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我高中是比較好一點,但除了功課會有人來請教之外,其他時候有時還是覺得不太自在。 OTL
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是喔 囧 (拍拍
被排擠的感覺真的很差 OTL
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我高中是比較好一點,但除了功課會有人來請教之外,其他時候有時還是覺得不太自在。 OTL