US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站 on Facebook【俄烏局勢短評:台灣該怎麼看?】​




▷ 近因:國內經濟狀況非常糟糕,需要一些外在成就來轉移焦點。​
▷ 中程原因:北約東擴,俄國覺得受到威脅。​ ▷ 遠因:長期以來追求大斯拉夫地區的榮光,所以要收復失土。​ ​
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lunch lunch?
I wan
JayWalk:- pls kindly bring TK to the prostitite house...
Lunch? Where are you?
If you're asking me, am in office. I'm waiting to go for 2:30 meeting
Lunch lunch! Put time put place
I think i heading back then settle lunch there. Still not hungry yet.
Sengkeng? Lunch lunch there?
Sure. Where are you?
Nearby. Wht time?
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