生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
第二次集會的道德議題 The ethics of a second chance: Pig heart transplant ...Man who had pig heart transplant was guilty of 1988 ...Pig-heart transplant may mean ‘hearts on demand’, sa...The new heart is still a rock star': Man doing well ...
#基因改造 #Chimera #奇美拉 #合成獸 #生物科技 #心臟移植
第二次集會的道德議題 The ethics of a second chance: Pig heart transplant ...Man who had pig heart transplant was guilty of 1988 ...Pig-heart transplant may mean ‘hearts on demand’, sa...The new heart is still a rock star': Man doing well ...
#基因改造 #Chimera #奇美拉 #合成獸 #生物科技 #心臟移植