☆印派馬尾 3 years ago可以逼捷運的魔杖好酷喔 @harutoshura - 手作/魔杖 新年快樂啊朋朋們,也該來營業惹 想問問各位對訂製可以逼捷運的魔... 10 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses miss.YVKS healme Apa itu iqob? miss.YVKS ndaji....... healme Ndaji apa itu? healme Ndaji apa itu? miss.YVKS nggak ada apa2 mksudx...' healme Yach kok gj miss.YVKS trus mau gimna? Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks