gregoriapacker49997084 3 years agoWe do a thorough inspection of your appliance and determine the source of the problem before starting any work. Once we identify the problem, we will explain to you the issue and provide various options to fix your unit. 8 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 掰噗~說 嘻嘻 金魚仙子賣故事(・ω・)b deepskymagic: 來ㄅ 蕨寶 想問下排中間是什麼品種啊,沒看過,或是沒看過長這麼漂亮的 尼真的!好會養!!!都好美麗好健康 多肉愛妳照片跟手好好看(每次都要說 金魚仙子賣故事(・ω・)b 蕨寶: 神仙堡錦=萬重山錦=仙女閣錦黃黃的部分就是錦斑,秋冬曬了會變紅 金魚仙子賣故事(・ω・)b 沒有錦的長這樣,葉綠素比較多所以長很快夏天黃黃的 蕨寶 天啊,真的好美 原來是會變色的錦斑!尼養的多肉們看起來活得好健壯快樂 她的名字好好聽 金魚仙子賣故事(・ω・)b 蕨寶: Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks