ಠ_ಠ偷偷說3 years ago#萬事問噗浪問一下什麼時候可以拿到公投的單子?我想讓我媽看看公投題目好跟他解釋,可是家裡什麼都沒收到 12 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 豹豹BOT 一開始出現煩惱就要覺察,剛開始的煩惱是最好對峙的0u0 笑死bot 笑死 掰噗~說 尼好~ Redd說 掰噗~: H_Bot1 餓了QQ Bepheny Redd: 午安安喔! 📚會須一飲三百杯☕ 午安 Redd說 Bepheny: 📚會須一飲三百杯☕: pingu68說 晚安~ Redd說 pingu68: sophia愛古典音樂 Redd: 恭喜發財 Redd說 sophia愛古典音樂: Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks