ODO 測測看入學後有沒有什麼改變
你的血統 (rock-paper-scissors)
(剪刀純血 石頭混血 布出身麻瓜家庭)
學院 (bzzz) (看顏色,黑色算赫夫帕夫)
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藥草學 (digit) (digit) 符咒學 (digit) (digit)
天文學 (digit) (digit) 魔法史 (digit) (digit)
黑魔法防禦術 (digit) (digit) 奇獸飼育學 (digit) (digit) 麻瓜研究 (digit) (digit)
占卜學 (digit) (digit) 黑魔法 (digit) (digit)
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How do I vote? What you need to know about the UK general electio...

Do I need my polling card? Where’s my local polling station? Do I need to take ID? Here’s what you need to know about casting your vote
May and Corbyn cross UK in attempt to sway voters on final day of...

Labour leader calls for people to vote to show ‘democracy will never be cowed by terror’ while PM calls for ‘fiercely patriotic’ voters to support Tories



我從未帶著希望投票 柯賓改變了這點 - 衛報評論
I’ve never voted with hope before. Jeremy Corbyn has changed that...

The Labour leader’s improved performance and raft of popular policies have given me an unfamiliar feeling as I prepare to go to the polls: optimism

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