靠北清大說3 years ago#靠清3686明知是個女孩明知有點伸手牌,但還是明知故問疫情期間每天嚴遵防疫,整個暑假吃吃喝喝睡覺從凌晨兩點睡到當天中午十二點已經不是胖五公斤的程度,而是胖十公斤了肚子快卡不進去桌子裡面,怎麼搞研究? 追 Vtuber?所以想問清大! 重訓室! 開放時間! 有受這波疫情影響然後快閃直接關門嗎ps. 去年辦的重訓卡就在 防疫不敢去/暑假 直接失效 不想在颱風天撲空 請救救清大菸酒生✅ https://x.nthu.io/post/3686 8 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses ★ jovan ☆ Pusa-Cat!says oh no NKY ✅says In the same conversation, me: "yeah, I used LinkedIn to get rackets"> NKY ✅says Client: "ah, so you're not earning enough here". NKY ✅says Me and boss: awkward silenceClient: maniacal laughter MikeTien ★ jovan ☆ Pusa-Cat!says ... Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks