
北市家禽市場5月18日出現首例/ 5月19日基層建議批發市場休市 被柯打槍 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報「台北市議員許淑華卻接獲攤商陳情,指原本台北市市場處打算環南市場停業7天,徹底消毒,未料自治會找副市長黃珊珊商量,最後改成停業3天
市場處原擬環南市場停業7天 許淑華:黃珊珊改成3天 - 生活 - 自由時報電子報
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How do I vote? What you need to know about the UK general electio...

Do I need my polling card? Where’s my local polling station? Do I need to take ID? Here’s what you need to know about casting your vote
May and Corbyn cross UK in attempt to sway voters on final day of...

Labour leader calls for people to vote to show ‘democracy will never be cowed by terror’ while PM calls for ‘fiercely patriotic’ voters to support Tories



我從未帶著希望投票 柯賓改變了這點 - 衛報評論
I’ve never voted with hope before. Jeremy Corbyn has changed that...

The Labour leader’s improved performance and raft of popular policies have given me an unfamiliar feeling as I prepare to go to the polls: optimism

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