[書單][這一天過得很充實 成功者黃金3時段的運用哲學
What the most successful people do before breakfast : and two other short guides to achieving more at work and at home
作者: 蘿拉.范德康 Laura Vanderkam]
這一天過得很充實︰成功者黃金3時段的運用哲學,蘿拉.范德康這一天過得很充實:成功者黃金3時段的運用哲學 - 蘿拉.范德康 | Readmoo 讀墨電子書
@Lynn08ii - 正在閱讀《 》,作者推薦了時間管理暢銷書《 :成功者黃金3時段的運用哲學》裡建議...
What the most successful people do before breakfast : and two other short guides to achieving more at work and at home
作者: 蘿拉.范德康 Laura Vanderkam]