哈???????這啥?FF ft.黑魂嗎?
網路上查一查,喔,原來是FF ft.仁王
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snowy portraits, like so: https://66.media.tumblr.com/c8878c39c476c2203853443334a2a1ee/tumblr_p1l6x9IJth1vyyyx2o1_640.gif are $35 for one character and $55 for two this year
https://i.imgur.com/rcGuLSl.png still doing the buttons, too! because not even god can wrestle this button maker out of my hands, i love it so much
email me at liz.coshow@gmail.com to grab a slot!!
i'm still finishing up a couple from my last round, but i should be getting started on these on monday :]
oh right, and pinglist -- as always just lemme know if you'd like to be added or removed to the pinglist!
i recognize that loxodon
omg do you
yeah my dm was looking for someone to draw it for him and i suggested you
aww, thank you! :-D i've had so much fun with his commissions
super cute characters
hey i just realized plurk image totally destroyed the quality of that top image, i don't know if it was worth the preview not being cropped into a box :'|
plurk you truly present me with sophie's choice
plurk is terrible to images
god it really is, every time i think "it can't be that bad, i'm just being picky" i see it absolutely demolish something
it always uploads images as jpgs and destroys it
The snowy portraits are back aw
also stay tuned i might upgrade those snowy portrait templates if i have time
give em a nice frame or somethin
man i love the snowy portraits. but am saving up for an iconset from you!
oh shit hell yeah, bury me in icons >:]
and don't worry, they will be around for a while! i think last year i did them all through nov - jan, finally got tired and tucked them into bed around feb
gotta hit you up again later today when i’m off work
i'm so tempted, ngl.
winks slowly and sensually
WANT... one day I will get a snowy one from you!!! /clenches fist
email sent requesting slot for snowy portrait :3
got it, ty! :-D
so beautiful!!!
aww ty :-D
👀 I’ve been jonesing to commission my new dnd character
Man I'm gonna get the dumbest snowy portrait
hell yes to BOTH
just a note here that there’s a few emails i’ve gotten that i haven’t responded to yet -- i will soon! i’ll be at a computer again later today (B
Fool hates the cold and ESPECIALLY hates snow, so just the saddest sulkiest tiefling in a beautiful snowy portrait
oh my god precious
If your still open, imma email you
i am!
i should be finishing up the last of my queue tomorrow >:] so here is a buncha finished ones so far
https://66.media.tumblr.com/c7e883c03a8af4110b37d1235d66855a/tumblr_pivuyhI1hC1vyyyx2o1_640.gif https://66.media.tumblr.com/beba245774f52a88f239e4ecc5c1ef72/tumblr_pikpecI4Rk1vyyyx2o1_640.gif https://66.media.tumblr.com/ac68db165784b28e8063d5114c4341ff/tumblr_pikpc6D5Uf1vyyyx2o1_640.gif https://66.media.tumblr.com/21f4c86d708a3284603258837947fb2e/tumblr_pikpbd9IdH1vyyyx2o1_640.gif added a frame to the animated snowy ones!!
I'M SO PLEASED WITH MINE, highly rated a+++
phew i think that is everything so far
i'm glad you like it! <33
tbh i love workin on these, what a good time of year
SUPER HAPPY WITH MY HALF ORC thank you so much <3
i’m glad! i really like his design :-D
Look at everyone’s cute characters
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