傑歐分享4 years ago淦wwwwwwwww 16 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 罪 歌說 H鋼彈(超級熱血沸騰中)說 讚讚!! 區區 大夜孝子🍕🐉 BOW🔞 jay123420: hgundam: k_2321656: pet080: 萌節快樂~ 雪華🌽🔞迫真バイク部(?說 小小勇者哈士奇 ::Plurk Frontpage Promotion:: Θώθ 姆耶紫 布蘭卡(」・ω・)⎠說 瀨田宗次郎說 BOW🔞 yukibana00: Event_Horizon_GGN: mamahaha: f8902098: [Dr.BUG]阿虫說 CC 風兒與翅膀( ´ ▽ ` ) 運轉中~村人さん 雙十節快樂 賤聖EX.dracul Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks