• 逼問勘災心情 蔡壁如辯稱關心林佳龍PTSD
• 台鐵邊坡預警系統建置延宕 去年早該完成
• 藍委神提議:找下飛機會折棉被的來監工
• 說好的抵制呢?上海IKEA三折促銷被買爆
• 你累了嗎?統聯客運卡在台南機車地下道
• 台鐵邊坡預警系統建置延宕 去年早該完成
• 藍委神提議:找下飛機會折棉被的來監工
• 說好的抵制呢?上海IKEA三折促銷被買爆
• 你累了嗎?統聯客運卡在台南機車地下道
When the show ended it flew back to its owner's house. We're living in the fucking future, man.
Apparently his neighbor, with whom he sometimes does videography/editing work, has her own fucking drone for filming.
I just can't believe drones are already to the point that people can have their own private flying robots.