#不讀會死 希望可以借用這個TAG,我想徵求大家有沒有喜歡的BG小說家,臺日韓為主、買得到正版書為主,中國也可以啦,但希望不要晉江,《瑯琊榜》這類也盡量不要(因為它一開始好像是BL,小說版女主疑似是宮羽,但連續劇版疑似是霓凰,我不知道我該怎麼吃好吧實際上我吃蕭景睿X林殊,但這不是重點),我很喜歡《瑯琊榜》但我不確定它算不算BG。格式一樓,討論隨意,拜託大家推爆我。
to and too and two are a menace but not because its easy to mix them up but because your fingers want to type the other ones sometimes
I'm p sure that's what happened, but I'm still always like YOU FOOL, HOW COULD YOU, YOU CALL YOURSELF A WRITER
Elliot at the motive because Machias being dead isn't enough, we gotta threaten his crush too
Also double whammy for dead Machias because both of these two would be suitably freaked out by the idea of poor Rean getting dragged into this mess
like it's not even oh no what if Rean dies, like, that's a legit concern but EVERYTHING HAS ALREADY HAPPENED TO REAN SO MUCH PLEASE LEAVE HIM ALONE