DiscoBerry|2077 Last edited 4 years ago【塗鴉稿】 全身好難 衣服也好難 胸部線條完全不會只能憑感覺畫感覺到這樣就已經是極限了,原本只是當成草稿,之後再來詳細畫,但是對於該如何繼續畫下去完全沒有頭緒 而且感覺根本沒有畫出原作的J: It's hot as hell in hereA:You see it, too? For me, it's always like this...而且頭整顆要重來,俯視畫成平視 1 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks