【爆卦】NIKE在日本炎上了! - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS日本網友看到這隻廣告後紛紛要倒NIKE、要把自己買的NIKE鞋全丟掉、發誓此生絕對不再買NIKE球鞋,說把日本描述成會霸凌,有種族差異的國家太過分了,日本才沒有這樣。
「ありのままに生きられる世界、待ってられないよ」。アスリートへの差別、いじめを描くナイキの動画が胸を打つ 【炎上】NIKEの新CM ポリコレを過剰に意識し日本人が悪者扱い「気持ち悪い」などの声が殺到 | まとめ...崩潰什麼,就事實啊。我前女友(日本人)就看過一個看起來累得要死的人上了電車看到了空位「喔,有位子」,結果旁邊坐了一個老外白人,那人於是就默默地找了個地方站。

via [轉LINE] 日本人不用說排外了,他們排內也是全球前幾的。
#日本社會文化 #種族歧視 #性別歧視
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We found a great spot right on the edge of a hill so we had a unencumbered view.
Also there was an actual drone flying over our heads filming it the entire time.
When the show ended it flew back to its owner's house. We're living in the fucking future, man.
that's AWESOME
It was trippy. Idgie's brother was the one who told us what it was.
Apparently his neighbor, with whom he sometimes does videography/editing work, has her own fucking drone for filming.
I just can't believe drones are already to the point that people can have their own private flying robots.
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