#咒術迴戰 #BL #五悠 #短篇 #虐心 #死亡
#BE結局 #同人二創

@alice7Lee - #咒術迴戰 #五悠 #短篇 #死亡 #虐心 #BE結局 *請搭配BGM “Ne...


Sakura Nagashi 桜流し (Piano & String Instrumental) - U...
《 遙 遠 邊 界 》 五条 悟 x 虎杖 悠仁

親手結束摯愛的生命,獨留在人世,理智逐漸失去平衡, 五条悟的世界早已崩潰。
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lunch lunch?
I wan
JayWalk:- pls kindly bring TK to the prostitite house...
Lunch? Where are you?
If you're asking me, am in office. I'm waiting to go for 2:30 meeting
Lunch lunch! Put time put place
I think i heading back then settle lunch there. Still not hungry yet.
Sengkeng? Lunch lunch there?
Sure. Where are you?
Nearby. Wht time?
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