是說前一陣子Waku Waku Japan在播的「松子所不知道的世界」,有一集在介紹日本的乾咖哩,而這其實就是印度的傳統菜肴之一Keema curry。簡單來說就是加了MASALA香料的肉燥啦。這我在之前鑽研印度料理時試作過幾次,基本上只要搞到MASALA香料,剩下的材料去逛一圈某聯就可以全部買齊了,作法也不難,失敗的可能性很低。作好以後,盛一大碗飯,澆上厚厚一層的Keema curry,你就有一碗咖哩口味的肉燥飯了。甚至個人私心覺得作這道菜,肥肉的比例要稍微高一點,與香料融合起來,特別豐腴動人。有興趣的朋友可以試試看,現在MASALA香料也很好買了。我開的爌肉飯店,會以這道咖哩肉燥飯為其中一道主打商品。而且我打算分大人版與小孩版,小孩的就作甜一點。
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It's driving me nuts
It deleted your last one and I was like OH NO THE FBI GOT TASHA
Pft no Plurk got Tasha
It's been doing it to me off and on. I've also seen some other peoples' get deleted
Or like
Saying that it has new comments when it doesn't forever
Yes. It has really been eating yours though XD
It has. I think it may also be my internet.
Which has been...
Just great.
8I [beats it for you]
Yes if that doesn't fix it I don't know what will
More beatings, obviously
Until moral improves
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