【動畫特效協會xDNA3台中製片饗宴】動畫電影前期策劃開發與創作孵化 這場聚會也算是「2020台中國際動畫影展」的熱場活動,當天講者分享議題將涵蓋如何從田野調查、題材研究、劇本創作、企劃開發、製片統籌、前期美術、漫畫、繪本、短片、VR、影集到發展長片,網路募資、提案集資、政府補助、影展創投、參加市場展、原畫策展、IP孵化等內容,現場也會有多家廠商共同出席討論關於「台灣動畫特效產業研討會」,歡迎各位同好朋友們一起來參與交流和分享盛會。
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I’m like lmao
Sure man I’ll take all your skills and times to learn this random but extremely useful in an apocalypse ability
Teach me to weld all the things. I like playing with plasma and molten metal.
When ever anyone talks to me I’m sure my ADHD as shit knowledge base confuses the hell of out them.
“Oh yeah I’ve done that”
Speak of the devil! He came in to chat!
Very cool
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