Vegetarian/ Vegan
Fresh organic fruits and vegetables give you a boost of high life-force energy, which elevated your spiritual frequency.
10/11 Sun
寶劍9 Cruelty
10/12 Mon 寶劍9 Cruelty
10/13 Tue 權杖2 Dominion
10/14 Wed 權杖1 Ace of Wands
10/15 Thu 宇宙 The Universe
10/16 Fri 權杖4 Completion
10/17 Sat 權杖10 Oppression
Vegetarian/ Vegan
Fresh organic fruits and vegetables give you a boost of high life-force energy, which elevated your spiritual frequency.
10/11 Sun
寶劍9 Cruelty
10/12 Mon 寶劍9 Cruelty
10/13 Tue 權杖2 Dominion
10/14 Wed 權杖1 Ace of Wands
10/15 Thu 宇宙 The Universe
10/16 Fri 權杖4 Completion
10/17 Sat 權杖10 Oppression
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