Burst pipe repair in Minneapolis, MN, is one of the primary services offered by the top plumbing company in the community, which is no other than Marvel Sewer and Drain. Please don’t wait too long before you call their team. Contact them today. Pipe Repair
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才不告訴膩雷~~~ (party)
旁白超入戲 還加上字幕wwww
rtxdraw: 看畫面覺得攝影師好厲害 很治癒(喜歡看蜥蜴跑跳抬腳的畫面
sullary: 嘿啊攝影師架好笨重的裝備耐心等待精彩的瞬間真的厲害,專業的就是不一樣

扇猴蜥蜴超可愛~~~~ 這系列拍攝釋出的預告都很棒XDDDD
picaro: 真的,上次看到窩瓦河邊公鳥求愛也超爆笑 (rofl) 鷸蚌相爭漁翁得利的心機鬼~
picaro: 網友留言:然後公鳥就和公鳥在一起了<<這句也好經典
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