阿草🏠 Last edited 5 years ago#StartFrom 01睜開眼,眼前是一片湛藍色的天空。白雲些微地點綴著,像是嘴角殘存的棉花糖。隱約可以感覺到風在吹拂,也因此天空的流動是有在流動的,很慢、很慢,但的確是有在流動的。 15 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses gιnѕвergιan SERIOUSLY gιnѕвergιan It's driving me nuts KAGEtimesday It deleted your last one and I was like OH NO THE FBI GOT TASHA gιnѕвergιan Pft no Plurk got Tasha gιnѕвergιan It's been doing it to me off and on. I've also seen some other peoples' get deleted gιnѕвergιan Or like gιnѕвergιan Saying that it has new comments when it doesn't forever KAGEtimesday Yes. It has really been eating yours though XD gιnѕвergιan It has. I think it may also be my internet. gιnѕвergιan Which has been... gιnѕвergιan Just great. KAGEtimesday 8I [beats it for you] gιnѕвergιan Yes if that doesn't fix it I don't know what will KAGEtimesday More beatings, obviously KAGEtimesday Until moral improves Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks