Phantom|洐舟 Last edited 5 years ago 1/去參加老師的新書發表順便幫拍照,看到老師介紹的那些照片,又讓我想起屏東。有一天一定要在屏東有間房子,那邊真的比較像是我的故鄉(抹臉。2/ 弄作品集弄到快往生,還好有邊做邊存檔,ai跳掉的時候整個心臟快停,如果沒存,我今晚大概全部做白工吧,乾3/原本想去北車站前誠品那邊把《紅書》買起來,順便把藝fun花掉,不過邊走就邊覺得買不到,去的時候店員就說賣完了。再次印證我想買什麼,什麼就買不到,紅書最近銷量應該會不錯(唉) 1 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Autobot Abubot Also glad to pick these up on sale. Didn't want to pay full price for them given I've already got the BAF and I didn't want the other figures in the wave. Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks