中國公布的武漢肺炎確診病例數一再被質疑,香港媒體報導,香港大學公共衛生學院的研究發現,若疫情初始中國判定確診病例即採用較廣泛的界定,2月中的實際確診數應4倍於官方公布的數字。根據香港南華早報SCMP報導,醫學期刊刺胳針The Lancet21日刊登香港大學公共衛生學院研究團隊的研究報告指出,若中國在2月初採用的確診病例界定一體適用於整個疫情,截至2月20日止,實際的確診病例數可能高達23萬2000例而非官方公布的約5萬5000例。報導說,香港大學據此研判,另考量輕微和無症狀感染者,甚至最廣泛病例界定情況下的可能漏檢,真實的確診數有可能更高。報導指出,由香港大學公衛學院助理教授吳蓬Peng Wu領導的研究團隊,檢視自去年12月疫情重災區中國華中地區武漢市爆發疫情後,中國政府運用各種界定確診病例的方式CNA
Just at Secaucus I was like "I can wait for my connecting train five minutes outside instead of the bottom of the stairwell, this is fine" It Was Not Fine
just so my celcius friends can understand how fucking hot that is, that's 40 c. fucking. 40
and now ofc its managed to be cooler outside but only because THE SKY OPENED UP AND MURDERED ME
OH NO YOU'RE TRAVELING LIKE THIS ??? i almost drowned just taking my dogs out front to pee (and they tried to drag my ass back inside)
i went into the pharmacy to get my prescription and then when i left it was just COMING THE FUCK DOWN
but thankfully by the time i got back to brooklyn it wasn't raining here yet and i got home before it started totally losing it
I live in a MA harbor town, right on the goddamn coast, and we've broken 90 degrees F often this summer. THANKS A SHITLOAD, CLIMATE CHANGE
weather is saying its rain bands from a tropical storm but im like WHY ARE YOU FUCKING HERE????