蜂明Bee*@趕稿 Last edited 5 years ago #Unlight #刀劍亂舞 #里修 #燭狸 整理了我自己保存的絕版既刊,有興趣可以參考看看!轉發感謝🙏STEELBORN-刀族-蝦皮Love is a sweet tyranny 愛如暴政蝦皮第一次跟笨蛋交往就上手蝦皮Fire&Poison 灼熱 https://shopee.tw/... 其他下收 1 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Autobot Abubot Also glad to pick these up on sale. Didn't want to pay full price for them given I've already got the BAF and I didn't want the other figures in the wave. Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks