不倫戀後…又被曝張益贍月薪14萬 文基會澄清:十萬七千 | 政治 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM王浩宇酸張益贍「酬庸」 工作8小時做4件事「這樣就領14萬耶!」 | ETtoday新聞雲王浩宇認為,張益贍的工作根本酬庸,形容對方的工作時間表:10:23 從家中出門、11:00 林森南路與蔡宜芳共進麥當勞、14:00 進文基會辦公室上班、16:00 下班去養生會館按摩、18:00 青島東路民眾黨團接蔡宜芳下班;他批評,「這樣就14萬十萬七千耶!柯粉這樣也能護航喔?」

北市府文基會成養人機關?柯任內人事暴增82人 - 政治 - 自由時報電子報
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I'd be up for Maribelle for Hei
Sure, I'll throw her in there
I feel like we should have some kind of mistletoe shenanigans eventually
Gore pfff. I just pictured Morg and DW in another bad-ass fight and record needle scratch when they realize there's mistletoe above, and... well! It'd be a shame to dishonor christmas tradition!
lol yes! Traditions like that don't wait for battles to end! That or Bushroot's somehow set up a mistletoe death trap
oh god, that just made me laugh. The idea of Bushroot luring them into a trap because he knew these two idiots wouldn't be able to resist an excuse to kiss.
fffff. Yeah he is a big sap (pun always intended)
If you'd like, I could try to set up something in my musebox?
Sure, I wouldn't say no to that!
On it, chief!
Gore Here you go, let me know if you'd like any changes! decided to combine both 'prompts'. time to embrace as many holiday puns as possible.
Thanks!! I'll get on it soon. Tis the season to be punning
take your time!
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