社會七宗罪 By 甘地
1、Politics without principles 搞政治而不講原則(沒有原則的政治)
2、Wealth without work 積累財富而不付出勞動 (不勞而獲的財富)
3、Pleasure without conscience 追求享樂而不關心他人(沒有關懷的享樂)
4、Knowledge without character擁有知識而沒有品德(沒有品德的知識)
5、Commerce without morality 經商而不講道德(沒有道德的商業)
6、Science without humanity 研究科學而不講人性(沒有人性的科學)
7、Worship without sacrifice 膜拜神靈而不做奉獻 (沒有奉獻的敬拜)
社會七宗罪 By 甘地
1、Politics without principles 搞政治而不講原則(沒有原則的政治)
2、Wealth without work 積累財富而不付出勞動 (不勞而獲的財富)
3、Pleasure without conscience 追求享樂而不關心他人(沒有關懷的享樂)
4、Knowledge without character擁有知識而沒有品德(沒有品德的知識)
5、Commerce without morality 經商而不講道德(沒有道德的商業)
6、Science without humanity 研究科學而不講人性(沒有人性的科學)
7、Worship without sacrifice 膜拜神靈而不做奉獻 (沒有奉獻的敬拜)
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我從未帶著希望投票 柯賓改變了這點 - 衛報評論
I’ve never voted with hope before. Jeremy Corbyn has changed that...
The Labour leader’s improved performance and raft of popular policies have given me an unfamiliar feeling as I prepare to go to the polls: optimism
我從未帶著希望投票 柯賓改變了這點 - 衛報評論
I’ve never voted with hope before. Jeremy Corbyn has changed that...
The Labour leader’s improved performance and raft of popular policies have given me an unfamiliar feeling as I prepare to go to the polls: optimism