[新聞] 武漢肺炎確診首例 返台女性主動通報隔離
PTT-Aviation板的討論:今日確診 #武漢肺炎 的女台商在患病九天期間都沒有在中國就醫,然後在1月20日搭乘中華航空CI-542號航班、機體編號B-18351的飛機回到台灣桃園機場。
PTT-Aviation板的討論:今日確診 #武漢肺炎 的女台商在患病九天期間都沒有在中國就醫,然後在1月20日搭乘中華航空CI-542號航班、機體編號B-18351的飛機回到台灣桃園機場。
I reached the point of the winter where I'm basically just getting by which means that this is my best record so far in terms of mental health
but I still sort of just lose momentum at some point and getting into February isn't bad. I really could use some spring weather but right now it's arctic blast shit so.