@ego_rain - [][塔羅牌卡三十天挑戰][塔羅牌卡三十題挑戰][] 搜尋關鍵字發現哎呀有個東西...29. Deck You Learned the Most With
29. 你從中學習到最多的牌
Owl and Bones Tarot on Instagram: “Day 29 of #lunaan...牌陣題目
1.what have I learned from you as my mentor?
2.what do you have left to teach me?
3.how can we strengthen our partnership? 我們如何增強我們的夥伴關係?
@ego_rain - [][塔羅牌卡三十天挑戰][塔羅牌卡三十題挑戰][] 搜尋關鍵字發現哎呀有個東西...29. Deck You Learned the Most With
29. 你從中學習到最多的牌
Owl and Bones Tarot on Instagram: “Day 29 of #lunaan...牌陣題目
1.what have I learned from you as my mentor?
2.what do you have left to teach me?
3.how can we strengthen our partnership? 我們如何增強我們的夥伴關係?