@ego_rain - [][塔羅牌卡三十天挑戰][塔羅牌卡三十題挑戰][] 搜尋關鍵字發現哎呀有個東西...2. Newest Deck最新的一副牌
Owl and Bones Tarot on Instagram: “Day 2 of #lunaan...題目牌陣
1.what are you here to teach me?
2.what do you want me to face?
3.what is your energy?
你的能量是什麼? 4.what is your shadow side? 你的陰影面是什麼? 5.what is the underlying theme of our relationship? 我們之間的主要議題是什麼?(自己和牌卡的關係)

1.what are you here to teach me?
2.what do you want me to face?
3.what is your energy?
你的能量是什麼? 4.what is your shadow side? 你的陰影面是什麼? 5.what is the underlying theme of our relationship? 我們之間的主要議題是什麼?(自己和牌卡的關係)