〈惡魔的跳舞方法〉、〈夢遊病患者在此岸〉、〈初夏,殺意如病痛浸染街道〉....創作歌手 #キタニタツヤ (kitanitatsuya)的曲名就像是暗黑小說的書名一般,自我否定、厭世,卻又希望有人可以來救救自己

除了創作歌手外也同時身兼VOCALOID音樂人、樂團貝斯手、作曲家等多元身分,同時也是知名樂團「 #ヨルシカ 」的支援貝斯手,活動範圍非常廣闊,還有「鬼才」之稱(而且據聞,他還是東大畢業的)。

#こんにちは谷田さん #sajounohana
【迷編聽聽】「希望可以有誰來救救自己」 創作歌手 キタニタツヤ (kitanitatsuya)介紹
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erupted. But, as most tried to flee on foot, some instead sought refuge from the burning ashes, and somehow went dormant, to be awaken much later by scientists... Although I didn't see that part, it's just that
my mind knew it.
Good morning
I hate when that happens. Morny! (wave)
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