我昨天活動前就開始發燒,硬嗑了感冒藥就去了,回家洗澡睡覺起床就整個爆了,燒到39.5 吃了一堆藥,最後降了一點就從醫院回家休息了,現在才微復活哈哈哈,沒啥時間海巡,但應該很多人都有PO照了,希望大家看的開心就好。
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* to rise up against tyranny & usher in the renewal of democracy in the country.
"She has restored democracy". Thank you! Rest in peace, Pres. Cory..(rock)
RIP Tita Cory.
we are lucky that we had a Cory Aquino that raise my pride as a Filipino!
condolence for aquino family
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