S. Peter 6 years ago[新聞] 德國鄉民把酒買光 讓新納粹聚會搞砸 - Gossiping板 - Disp BBS 這招在美國應該也很有效,沒啤酒會死的人一堆…… 4 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 羊毛子✪one of us🐑 來考石頭杯子蛋糕囉~~~(乾 羊毛子✪one of us🐑 阿還是做巧克力的杯子蛋糕,然後上面撒logo糖粉!!!好!!! 羊毛子✪one of us🐑 還是要做普通杯子蛋糕,然後撒可可粉...(猶豫 羊毛子✪one of us🐑 糟糕小紅鳥跟大米的要怎麼糖粉篩阿....中間是斷開的阿可惡!! Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks