美國在台協會 AIT
在「選擇美國」投資高峰會期間,美國商務部和AIT很高興見證台灣企業「傑登生研」投資愛達荷州的計畫。更多資訊請見:Idaho Commerce
“During the Investment Summit, the Department of Commerce and AIT were delighted to celebrate the investment of Taiwan company Jetton BioChemistry in Idaho, USA. Learn more: https://bit.ly/2Wu1Bzu”
在「選擇美國」投資高峰會期間,美國商務部和AIT很高興見證台灣企業「傑登生研」投資愛達荷州的計畫。更多資訊請見:Idaho Commerce
“During the Investment Summit, the Department of Commerce and AIT were delighted to celebrate the investment of Taiwan company Jetton BioChemistry in Idaho, USA. Learn more: https://bit.ly/2Wu1Bzu”