roxinnccu正在Last edited 6 years ago陸模型賽現共軍攻台作品 學者:民間仇台情緒升 | 兩岸 | 重點新聞 | 中央社 CNA『....台灣網民則認為,這是中共刻意呈現對台灣街道掌握的宣傳品...交通指示牌上則標示著「6號省道」,並寫上距離台北與基隆的公里數,顯示作者對台灣街道相當熟悉。....』...........蛤? 12 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Scarlett T lunch lunch? 妈妈桑 woot! TK☠ I wan TehC JayWalk:- pls kindly bring TK to the prostitite house... TehC *snigger* JayWalk Lunch? Where are you? TehC If you're asking me, am in office. I'm waiting to go for 2:30 meeting TK☠ Lunch lunch! Put time put place JayWalk I think i heading back then settle lunch there. Still not hungry yet. TK☠ Sengkeng? Lunch lunch there? JayWalk Sure. Where are you? TK☠ Nearby. Wht time? Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks