生活中找樂趣saysLast edited 6 years ago【Grenfell大火】生產易燃外牆覆層的廠商:用個簡單的滅火器就可以滅火了,倒是其他材料才是造成火災傳播的元兇 - 衛報國內版頭條Grenfell cladding firm: 'fire could have been put ou...就算可以用滅火器滅火好了,問題在於今天你生產的覆材是易燃物啊白癡!!#推卸責任嘴臉 7 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 長信:說 乳量up! Ason@遊戲0.86版釋出! 星塵卡斯特 Ж タカオの追跡者Inaba Steven@神風嫁 大 GCouo Tales 很讚 Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks