7彩泡泡 Last edited 6 years ago 終於把自傳搞完ㄉ我超官腔ㄉㄇㄐ說字數不到沒辦法送出因為她有試過只打一行字結果沒辦法 可是我好懶而且快來不及ㄌ所以就試試看送出結果發現可以ㄝ!!!!大概是過100或150字就可以了! 然後我就很開心得跟ㄇㄐ說了,這是她的反應 ㄇㄐ:幹那我當初掰那麼辛苦???ㄟ話說我打完發現那時候已經過12點ㄌ大概是12:15左右還是可以上傳,那還說23號以前要弄好,騙我!!! 7 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Vαɾιαɳƚ I’m like lmao Vαɾιαɳƚ Sure man I’ll take all your skills and times to learn this random but extremely useful in an apocalypse ability Vαɾιαɳƚ Teach me to weld all the things. I like playing with plasma and molten metal. Vαɾιαɳƚ When ever anyone talks to me I’m sure my ADHD as shit knowledge base confuses the hell of out them. Vαɾιαɳƚ “Oh yeah I’ve done that” Vαɾιαɳƚ Speak of the devil! He came in to chat! Indestructovag Very cool Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks