芹芹𝄞🌹 Last edited 7 years ago嗷嗚(´・ω・`)(顯示為不敢十抽 9 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 芹芹𝄞🌹 芹芹𝄞🌹 鑰匙…… 芹芹𝄞🌹 好色噢 芹芹𝄞🌹 單抽跟藍券都沒了(瑟瑟發抖 理依 我也沒有預算帶他們回家了 芹芹𝄞🌹 果然墜機了 芹芹𝄞🌹 人好好的玩什麼抽卡遊戲…… 芹芹𝄞🌹 …… 我就看著 芹芹𝄞🌹 腦內自行把兩張圖疊在一起汪汪 Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks