【PMP系統】 Last edited 8 years ago【托雷納巡禮】關卡六 ✖ 星星的指引 :「跟著星星的指引,會將大家的命運連接在一起。」=========================▶ 請擲骰(dice20),星星會指引你須完成的任務。▶ 得知任務內容後,可至噗浪上開一則噗/使用表單/其他想的到的方式,請願意幫忙的訓練家到募集噗/表單回覆。▶ 內容圖文方式規則不拘,只要有達成表格內的條件即可,任務所需人數為最低,可多不可少。▶ 達成所需條件之後請拍照留存,並至回報區繳交。 12 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses Scarlett T lunch lunch? 妈妈桑 woot! TK☠ I wan TehC JayWalk:- pls kindly bring TK to the prostitite house... TehC *snigger* JayWalk Lunch? Where are you? TehC If you're asking me, am in office. I'm waiting to go for 2:30 meeting TK☠ Lunch lunch! Put time put place JayWalk I think i heading back then settle lunch there. Still not hungry yet. TK☠ Sengkeng? Lunch lunch there? JayWalk Sure. Where are you? TK☠ Nearby. Wht time? Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks