sujoydharlikes8 years agoGold flirts with 11-month lows after superb U.S. records - Gold flirts with 11-month lows after superb U.S. rec... 7 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 吹不散的煙|煙米子 賣靠北啦 羽修🌿 得罪鄉民 NieteΔ25冬準備中 想想10個月前如果投另外一個現在應該死不少人˙並且還在加蓋方倉了吧 【歪噗社】ARo 選另一邊舔共會更慘沒自由的 ばないの!米露西 Re: [問卦] 七年級生得罪誰了?很公平 歷盡滄桑 kaze Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks