johncook866isLast edited 8 years agoJohn Cook Here our company offers to standard service apply meth testing in Tauranga. Our testing team is providing to return the results to your home Meth-Free easy service. 5 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses 鍾仁有三寶❤炸雞紙袋睡不飽 果然在路邊跳舞也只有許凱皓做得出來XDD 而且用有點久以前的歌 ㅇㄹ♡ !!!!原來阿蔡也有發漏許凱皓嗎XDDDDD 鍾仁有三寶❤炸雞紙袋睡不飽 ㅇㄹ♡: 有啊!!!!!!!! 覺得他很有趣XD 鍾仁有三寶❤炸雞紙袋睡不飽 starorange0525: 你居然給他上過課 怎樣反差(想聽八卦XD 如果不能公開用line聊哈哈 Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks