生活內底揣趣味(生活中找樂趣) says
反資本主義挺公民自由 年度倫敦蒙面抗議大示威 - 衛報
Million Mask March ends with dozens arrested in central LondonThousands marched in central London at the Million M...今年只有數十名民眾被逮捕,且無去年的火爆場面
Million Mask March: police curb protests amid fears of violence
#英國 #左派運動 #公民意識 #打破不公平 #貧富差距懸殊 #社會民生議題
Million Mask March ends with dozens arrested in central LondonThousands marched in central London at the Million M...今年只有數十名民眾被逮捕,且無去年的火爆場面
Million Mask March: police curb protests amid fears of violence
#英國 #左派運動 #公民意識 #打破不公平 #貧富差距懸殊 #社會民生議題