【民報】 乾脆不去中國了!華裔加拿大公民赴中旅遊須用「中國人」身份https://imgs.plurk.com/QuT/wEv/2JJNnyPhpzKcZxaZrP6L3dIaDR8_mt.jpeg
via [轉] 真是完全不懂現代文明怎麼運作的野蠻國家。全世界都用國籍來定義人的身份,只有中國自以為是全球華人的宗主國,而且連台灣人都被算在裡面,以後若再有台灣人被中國從海外隨便抓走也不意外,可悲的是還有台灣人為這種事叫好。
#中共逼人當中國人嘴臉 #加拿大 #華裔 #國籍屬地原則 #義和團式血統論民族主義 #大中國主義霸權介入他國內政 #整理噗 #假遣返真跨國擄人 #中國人權議題
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he's a nerd
Oh my god cute
He's making her howl for Patch
Pratt is an abused puppy who needs his pack
Oh my god i love it
oh my god no i love it
Not the abused puppy Pratt part but the howling like a weirdo part
all perfectly normal.
everyone in this game is perfectly normal
Just so painfully normal
couldnt be more normal!
AWOOS. i love it.
he's cute sometimes. :-)
singing the songs of their people
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