英國脫歐的背後/「USE歐羅巴合眾國」原來歐盟瞞著英國盤算組聯邦國家 - 每日郵報
Plans have been drawn up for a full-blown United States of Europe
ps. 這是保守黨的小報。 而且歐盟的各位真的願意嗎?
歐巴馬:英國若脫歐 貿易談判排隊將順延 - 衛報
Barack Obama: Brexit would put UK 'back of the queue' f...
Cameron could not have asked for more from Obama's Brexit wa...

脫歐公投倒數58天。 #Brexit #洩密
Plans have been drawn up for a full-blown United States of Europe
ps. 這是保守黨的小報。 而且歐盟的各位真的願意嗎?
歐巴馬:英國若脫歐 貿易談判排隊將順延 - 衛報
Barack Obama: Brexit would put UK 'back of the queue' f...
Cameron could not have asked for more from Obama's Brexit wa...

脫歐公投倒數58天。 #Brexit #洩密