護家盟反同性婚姻平權 國民黨團:放心,我們是一夥的
護家盟反同性婚姻平權 國民黨團:放心,我們是一夥的 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網+
[轉噗] 【南宮博士】 若是立刻舉行公投,我對於同志婚姻過半數的可能性並不悲觀。現在做不到的原因,是因為檯面上的政治人物正被少數宗教和利益團體所把持,看看靈糧堂、等人的政治態度就可以明白。
#同性戀議題 #同性戀婚姻 #同志議題 #同性婚 #同志婚 #多元成家 #黨政商 #官商勾結 #保守勢力 #hTC
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I'd be up for Maribelle for Hei
Sure, I'll throw her in there
I feel like we should have some kind of mistletoe shenanigans eventually
Gore pfff. I just pictured Morg and DW in another bad-ass fight and record needle scratch when they realize there's mistletoe above, and... well! It'd be a shame to dishonor christmas tradition!
lol yes! Traditions like that don't wait for battles to end! That or Bushroot's somehow set up a mistletoe death trap
oh god, that just made me laugh. The idea of Bushroot luring them into a trap because he knew these two idiots wouldn't be able to resist an excuse to kiss.
fffff. Yeah he is a big sap (pun always intended)
If you'd like, I could try to set up something in my musebox?
Sure, I wouldn't say no to that!
On it, chief!
Gore Here you go, let me know if you'd like any changes! decided to combine both 'prompts'. time to embrace as many holiday puns as possible.
Thanks!! I'll get on it soon. Tis the season to be punning
take your time!
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