沉默潛艦 Last edited a month ago【柯陷六大弊案】檢追柯文哲、沈慶京星國密會 查海外收賄金流 - 鏡週刊 Mirror Media【柯陷六大弊案1】檢廉查出逾12度密會小沈 柯文哲起訴後還要面對4大案 - 鏡週刊 Mirror Med...【柯陷六大弊案2】真巧!柯與小沈快閃新加坡 橘子回台也在ATM存現金 - 鏡週刊 Mirror Medi...【柯陷六大弊案3】黨營事業取名眉角多 不叫眾智叫木可原因曝光 - 鏡週刊 Mirror Media【柯陷六大弊案4】柯辭主席聲明有玄機 黨准不准辭陷兩難 - 鏡週刊 Mirror Media@Silentsubmarine on PlurkFacebook 3 responses Show only author's response(s) Load all responses Load more older responses No responses - be the first :) Load more responses New Response Register your Plurk account to respond to these plurks